Love and Organization
Love and Organization
By:Michael Pirson
Published on 2022-06-30 by Taylor & Francis
Organizations are not human, but they are made up of people.
Examining the organization, functioning, growing and developing and moving together as one unit, the well-being and success of that organization depends on the well-being of people that make it up.
Love, in its various forms, is the energy that motivates and fuels creativity, care, innovation, progress and well-being.
Traditionally, organizational structures have been set up to support compliance and command and control, which often discourages love and creates policies against love at the workplace.
The result has been reduced growth, productivity and retention of businesses as well as reduced well-being for employees.
This reduced connectivity between individuals has also, at a higher level, adversely affected society.
Without love, people are working and performing with reduced energy, and at reduced capacity.
While prior research has been focused on love at the workplace from the viewpoint of psychologists, this book explores the impact of love within organizational contexts from various viewpoints including management, psychology, and philosophy.
It explores love in the organizational context by looking at how it affects meaning, purpose, well-being, motivation, faith, care, spiritual development and how the identity and well-being of each person in the organization positively affects retention and the growth and success of that organization.
It will be of interest to researchers, academics, and advanced students in the fields of organizational studies, leadership, and management.
This Book was ranked at 168 by Google Books for keyword Romantic Action.
Book ID of Love and Organization's Books is CzZwEAAAQBAJ, Book which was written by "Michael Pirson" have ETAG "CEJ+l4Jp7kY"
Book which was published by Taylor & Francis since 2022-06-30 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 1000603954 and ISBN 10 Code is 9781000603958
Reading Mode in Text Status is 1 and Reading Mode in Image Status is 1
Book which have "368 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category Business & Economics
This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in en
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